Friday WOD
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT- IF YOU’RE SICK, STAY HOME AND REST. DON’T MAKE ME LYSOL YOU. 😉 FRIDAY CROSSFIT 02/26/16 A. WARM-UP 3 rounds :30 double-unders :30 rest :30 max hollow body hold :30 rest B. EMOM x 6 minutes 3-5 tall box jumps (ACROSS) C. 3 rounds Row 5 minutes Rest 5 minutes
Getting More Grip Strength
Thanks for coming back for the final post in our series on the importance of grip and how to make it stronger. If you’re just now joining us, take a minute to go back and read over the first two pieces. To recap, part one discussed the basics and different types of grip, and the […]
Training Your Grip for Better Strength
Thanks for coming back for our second installment on grip and grip strength training. If you didn’t know, there’s more than one type of grip, and we discussed them in part one. Hit the jump to check it out. As we said in the last piece, grip strength is important for CrossFit enthusiasts looking to […]