Wednesday WOD
WEDNESDAY CROSSFIT 04/17/19 GRIND: A. Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 x 5) @ 8 RPE B. 4 rounds 12 db snatch, total row 200 m 12 db hang clean and jerk, 6 each arm run 200 m SPORT: A. 3 Position Snatch 6 sets (climbing) High Hang, Hang, Floor every 2:30 for 15 minutes B. 4 […]
Tuesday WOD
TUESDAY CROSSFIT 04/16/19 GRIND: A. 3 sets 12 strict pull-ups, banded pu or ring rows run 100 m 12 DB floor press run 100 m B. AMRAP x 15 minutes 30 single-unders 10 burpees over the box 30 single-unders 10/7 calorie bike rx+ double-unders SPORT: A. 3 sets 3 rope climbs run 100 m 10 […]