Friday WOD
FRIDAY CROSSFIT 04/26/19 SPORT: A. Back Squat (5RM) B.CrossFit Games Open 11.4 10-Minute AMRAP of: 60 Bar-Facing Burpees 30 Overhead Squats, 120# / 90# 10 Muscle-Ups GRIND: A. Bulgarian Split Squat (4 x 6-8 each leg) Single leg squat with rear foot elevated B. AMRAP x 10 minutes 30 burpees over the db/kb 15 db […]
Thursday WOD
THURSDAY GRIND 04/25/19 60/50 calorie row 50 wall ball shots 40 russian kb swing 30 burpees 40 russian kb swings 50 wall ball shots 60/ 50 calorie row
More Workout Mistakes That Cause Hip Pain
Welcome back! We are here to talk more about the workouts that might be causing you hip pain. Most of the time, improper form and overdoing it are the main mistakes made during exercise. Here, you’ll find tips that can help you correct your mistakes so that you can be painfree! Looking for the best […]