Monday WOD
MONDAY CROSSFIT 07/08/19 SPORT: A. Push Press (5RM) B. With a partner, alternating exercises, complete: AMRAP x 14 minutes 12 single arm kettlebell snatch, 6 ea. 8/6 calorie bike 40 double-unders KB snatch- do not go to floor. Swing at knee height. GRIND: A. Landmine Press (4 x 6-8 each arm) B. TABATA :20 work […]
Friday WOD
FRIDAY CROSSFIT 07/05/19 SPORT: A. Back Squat (4 x 2 @ 80%) B. AMRAP x 12 minutes 14 box jumps 12 pistols 10 toes to bar GRIND: A. Back Rack Lunge (3 x 8 (ea. side)) reverse lunge B. AMRAP x 12 minutes 16 calorie row 12 kB box step ups 16 Russian KB Swings