Monday WOD
SPORT: A. Front Squat (3RM @ 52X0, then 2 x 3 @ -10% ) 5 seconds down 2 second pause explode up as quickly as possible You do not need to work at tempo during all of your warm up sets B. 3 rounds In 3:00, complete: 15 power cleans, 95#/65# 15 thrusters In remaining […]
Friday WOD
FRIDAY CROSSFIT 07/12/19 SPORT: With a partner, only one person working at a time, complete: 120 double-unders 100/70 calorie bike 80 db snatch, 50#/35# 60 DB front squats (2 dumbbells) 100 double-unders 80/55 calorie bike 60 box jumps 40 toes to bar 80 double-unders 60/40 calorie bike 40 burpee deadlifts (2 dumbbells) 20 toes to […]