Monday WOD
MONDAY CROSSFIT 07/22/19 SPORT: A. Bulgarian Split Squat (5RM, -10% for 2 x 3) Single leg squat with rear foot elevated Tempo 4 seconds down no tempo on drop sets GRIND: A. Bulgarian Split Squat (5 x 5 @ 3011, each leg) Single leg squat with rear foot elevated SPORT & GRIND: B. Complete 4 […]
Friday WOD
FRIDAY CROSSFIT 07/19/19 SPORT: A. Snatch Pull+Snatch+OH Squat 5 x 1+1+2 (climbing) Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes B. 3 rounds: 3 squat snatch, 145#/85# 6 chest to bar pull-ups 200 meter run rest 60 seconds, then: 3 rounds: 3 squat snatch, 145#/85# 6 HSPU 200 meter run 18 minute time cap GRIND: A. Box […]