Benefits of Squats for Women, Continued

Personal Trainer in RaleighThanks for joining us for part two in our series on how doing squats can be beneficial for women, and everyone else too. If you’re just now joining us, this series is covering what we see as the top ten benefits that come from doing squats. Click here to go back and read the top 5.

Today we are going to cover the final five, so let’s get right to it! Searching for a personal trainer in Raleigh to help you with your squats? Call Invoke and ask about a free class.

More Benefits of Squats for Women

Pageant Walk – Want to walk like a beauty queen? Squats can help improve your posture, as well as build better balance. You’ll also appreciate a stronger back which can help you avoid some of the pains that can come from sitting all day. Do squats and you’ll be standing straight and walking tall like a Miss America contestant!

Lose Weight – These exercises are great for burning fat and calories, as well as toning muscles. As your muscles get bigger and more toned, your body burns more and more calories which in turn causes you to lose weight. Another reason why squats are a superb, yet general workout for better health.

Get More Flexibility – As you squat, you help build up more support and strength in your knees. These bending motions help to improve your flexibility which can also prevent injury. When more oxygen and blood flows around the joints, they stay stronger and more supple.

Super Toning – If you want to tone your entire leg with one exercise, then squats are something you’ll want to master. This is one of the best benefits, especially for women with busy schedules. This exercise does not target just one specific muscle group, like some gym equipment, it makes us use every single muscle instead. When you consider the workout you get from just keeping the right form, you find yourself getting a whole body workout.

Want a Rounder Butt? – Who doesn’t, right? Squats do more than just tone your legs, they work your glutes, or your butt, too. So if you want to firm up your buttocks without throwing out your back, do more squats.

Do you like doing squats? What kind of modified squat exercises are you currently trying? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Searching for a Personal Trainer in Raleigh? Call Invoke Today

CrossFit Invoke should be your number one choice when searching for a highly rated personal trainer in Raleigh. Our friendly and professionally trained staff are ready to push you to the max so you can get into the best shape of your life. At CrossFit Invoke, we even offer free community and beginner classes. This way you can see what we’re all about without any obligations to join our gym. When you’re ready for a new challenge, give us a call or click here to get started!

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John Doe

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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