Should You Do More Cardio or Weights for Losing Weight?

If you’re one of the millions of people out there with a goal of losing weight, then be sure to keep reading today’s post. During your quest to drop pounds, you’ve probably had a few questions about dieting, exercising, and more. One we hear at our Raleigh NC gym pretty frequently is whether it’s better to concentrate on strength training or cardio to lose weight. If you’ve been following along you’ve probably noticed that we’ve been talking a lot about cardio and weights. In fact, at the bottom of this page you’ll find links to this related content. We hope you’ll go back and read over it when you get a chance.

So what’s better for losing weight? Keep reading to hear our thoughts on cardio, strength training, and weight management. If you’re searching for the best Raleigh NC gym for losing weight, CrossFit, or you just a need new challenge, call Invoke! We even offer free fitness classes in Raleigh for beginners.

What’s Better for Losing Weight? Weights or Cardio?

As we mentioned in our previous post, a combination of cardio and weights is best for overall health. However, if you want to quickly drop weight then you should focus more on cardio. Even though the big trend was strictly strength training with #TeamNoCardio not too long ago, a recent study from Duke University should put an end to this weight loss debate.

Researchers at Duke tracked 119 overweight and previously sedentary volunteers over an 8 month time period. These people were split into groups for strength training, cardio, and a combination of both. The big winner was the cardio group.

The cardio group lost 4 pounds while the strength training group gained 2 pounds. Strength training gained two by adding muscle, however that extra muscle mass did not translate into any substantial fat burning during the research time. Furthermore, the strength training group actually exercised 47 minutes more each week compared to the cardio only participants. Consequently, the combo exercising group finished the study with the best results for body composition for losing fat and gaining muscle. However, this group spent nearly twice as much time in the gym as the cardio only group.

So there you have it! A more focused cardio exercise routine will help you drop pounds the fastest. Be sure to check out the other posts in this series. You’ll find lots of helpful information.

If you really want to do your best to get in great shape in 2017, be sure to call CrossFit Invoke. We’re the number one Raleigh NC gym for Triangle area athletes.

The Best Raleigh NC Gym for CrossFit Is at Invoke!

If you’re looking for the best Raleigh NC gym that can help you get in shape in 2017, call Invoke today. We have top-rated personal trainers in Raleigh that can customize your workouts so you’re hitting your goals quickly. Invoke will get you laser focused in on your training so you can smash your new year’s resolutions with confidence. We even offer free gym classes so you can try us out without having to commit to a membership.

When you’re looking for a Raleigh gym that’s committed to your health, and not your dollars, call Invoke. Click here to get started with our free classes.

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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