Cold Weather Workouts

Personal Trainer in Raleigh NCAs we’re in the middle of January, we’re also in the middle of winter. In fact, if you live in our area, you’ve even seen a little bit of snow on the ground. Even as a personal trainer in Raleigh NC, the cold weather makes me not want to go as hard as I do when the temps are more comfy outside. But guess what? By not pushing during the winter, we’re not taking advantage of the benefits that come with working out in cold weather.

That’s right, training in the cold weather can actually be beneficial in making gains, increasing your strength and stamina, and much more. Over the course of the next few posts, we’ll be breaking down why you shouldn’t take the winter months off by listing all the benefits of training in cold temps. If you’re searching for an affordable personal trainer in Raleigh NC that can help you hit your health goals in 2017, please keep reading. CrossFit Invoke is the best gym in Raleigh to help you get in the best shape of your life while having lots of fun. Call today.

Benefits of a Cold Weather Workout

Increased Calorie Burn

Did you pack on a few extra pounds over the holidays? Is one of your 2017 resolutions based on losing some weight? Maybe you just want to get a head-start on training for Open. If so, training in the cold has some serious calorie burning advantages. Simply running outside during the winter can help you burn up to 30% more calories than using your treadmill. Your body has to generate more heat to keep you warm when training outside during the winter, use this to your advantage to quickly drop pounds.

Stronger Immune System

It’s tough to workout when you’re sick. Furthermore, being stuck inside a gym with lots of people increases your chances of catching a cold or, even worse, the flu. That’s right, these bad germs can spread quickly from person to person when you’re all using the same workout equipment. So take your training outside instead. Based on some data from The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, we see that simply jogging outdoors for 5 minutes each day can reduce your chances of getting the flu by as much as 30%. So bundle up, and get out there and work it out!

Need more winter motivation? Be sure to check out our next post on the benefits of cold weather workouts. If you are searching for a Raleigh gym that cares about its members, keep reading to see why you should call CrossFit Invoke in 2017! We can help you reach your health goals!

Where’s the Best Personal Trainer in Raleigh NC for 2017? CrossFit Invoke!

Want to make a life change for the better? Want to get in the best shape you’ve ever been in? Why not work with a top rated, affordable personal trainer in Raleigh NC? If you really want to get in the best shape of your life and push yourself to new limits, make the call to CrossFit Invoke. We offer free fitness classes to non-members and free community workouts once a month. Come out and see why we’re the best gym in Raleigh NC. After all, there’s no obligation to join. When you’re ready to take your fitness levels to new heights, give us a call or just drop in!

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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