CrossFit Exercises for Football Players

Fitness Programs Raleigh NCThanks for coming back for one more on CrossFit football. Our last post answered the question about how football players can benefit from CrossFit training. We hope you check it out when you have time.

Today we are going to post some of our favorite CrossFit Football WODs. These are all geared towards increasing strength, speed, and metabolic conditioning. If you are searching for the best fitness programs Raleigh NC has to offer, then please call CrossFit Invoke. We even offer free beginner classes.

CrossFit Football WODs

Tillman Hero WOD

What better way to start the list than with this one. The Tillman is a CrossFit Football Hero WOD named in honor of Pat Tillman, a former Arizona Cardinals Safety and US Army Ranger that was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2004.

7 Rounds of:

      7 Deadlifts @ 315/220


      200m Sprint


      15 Pull-Ups


    45 Second Rest

Pro Shuttle

5 attempts, each for time

      Death by 10yd runs




    GHR 15, 15, 15


Complete 5 rounds for time:

      Squat Max Reps


    7 Burpee Box Jumps 20″

Quarter Gone Bad

Five rounds for total reps of:

      135 pound Thrusters, 15 seconds


      Rest 45 Seconds


      50 pound Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds


      Rest 45 Seconds


      Burpees, 15 seconds


    Rest 45 Seconds


For time:

      100 Thrusters 135/95#


    *Every minute, on the minute, do 5 Burpees

CrossFit Football’s Alternative Kalsu

      Every minute on the minute do 5 Burpees then fill the remaining time with 135/95 pound thrusters.


    100 total thruster goal. Your score is determined by how many minutes elapse in the process.


      100 Barbell Lunges 135/95#


    EMOM, including first minute, 5 Burpees

These are just a few of the best CrossFit Football WODs. If you have one that should be added to the list, please list them in the comments below. If you’re tired of searching for help with your fitness, start training at CrossFit Invoke. Keep reading to see how you can sign up for a free class today.

Free Fitness Programs Raleigh NC at CrossFit Invoke

If you’re looking for the best fitness programs Raleigh NC has ever seen, call CrossFit Invoke today. We have the best fitness classes in the area that will get you laser focused in on your health goals so you can maximize your gains. We even offer free classes so you can try us out before you commit to a membership.

We have the best gym in Raleigh, and we’re a member of the CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff. Invoke’s founders have operated CrossFit seminars all over the south for over five years. All of our coaches and trainers hold a Level 1 Seminar Certificate, and many other additional specialty certifications in CrossFit as well as other diverse fitness backgrounds.

As you can see, we’re committed to you and your health. So call us today to get started with your free class.

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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