How Much Exercising Does It Take to Burn Thanksgiving Dinner Off? continued

fitness coach in RaleighAre you ready to learn more about how you can burn your Thanksgiving Day meal off without having to worry about added pounds this holiday season? If so, we have several workouts for you! The key is to make sure whatever you do is high intensity so that you get into cardio mode and are able to burn a lot of calories in one workout! Below, you’ll find a list of most commonly eaten items at a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal. You’ll also find how many miles it will take you to burn them off when jogging. To help you along the way, call CrossFit Invoke. Our fitness coach in Raleigh will help you stay in shape during the holidays!

  • Apple Pie, 1 slice – 4.1 miles
  • Cranberry Sauce – 1 mile
  • Glass of Wine, 5 oz – 1.2 miles
  • Green Beans, 1 cup – 0.5 miles
  • Mashed Potatoes, 1 cup – 2.4 miles
  • Pint of light beer – 1 mile
  • Pumpkin Pie, 1 slice – 3.2 miles
  • Roasted Turkey, dark meat 3.5 oz – 1.7 miles
  • Roasted Turkey, white meat 3.5 oz – 1.5 miles
  • Stuffing, 1/2 cup – 1.8 miles
  • Sweet Potato Casserole, 1 cup – 2.6 miles
  • Whole Wheat Dinner Roll – 0.75 miles

Not into running? No problem. Try these exercises to help you burn off your meal:

  • Walking Planks – Do 10 walking planks that work your core and burn away extra calories from your delicious Thanksgiving Day dinner.
  • Burpee/Push-Ups – These aren’t easy but they will burn the calories and give you a great cardio workout! Do as many as you can after each meal on Thanksgiving Day! Do 10 per set.
  • Side Planks – When in side plank position, hold each side for at least 30 seconds. Do this after every meal!

Last blog, we talked more about how you can exercise your Thanksgiving Day meal away even though the calories consumed during this holiday are far more than on a normal day! Check it out here for more ways to burn off the meal!

Best Holiday Fitness Coach in Raleigh

Are you looking for a great Raleigh NC box and coaches to help you with your health goals this fall? Call CrossFit Invoke today. We offer personalized fitness training in Raleigh NC for people of all ages. If you’re serious about getting healthy in the new year, we can help. We even offer free fitness classes so you can try us out before you make a commitment. At Invoke, you can even sign up for group sessions with your friends. This way you can all hold each other accountable while training at our fitness center in Raleigh NC.

Please call our Raleigh, NC CrossFit gym with any questions, or just drop in. We are in Raleigh NC located right outside of the downtown area.

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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