One of the latest trends on the market is fitness trackers. Whether you choose to have an off-brand, Apple Watch, Fitbit, or another type they’re usually purchased to help track the progression of your exercise each day. Unfortunately, fitness trackers can sometimes sabotage diets. If you need help with your fitness and health goals, don’t go about it by yourself. Working with our qualified personal fitness trainers in Raleigh at CrossFit Invoke is the way to go. Call us today to learn more.
A study was done over the course of the past two years that shows those who used a fitness tracker to help them monitor their physical activity, fitness, diet, and body composition lost less weight than those who did not wear a device. It is not clear why this happened. Further research will be needed in order to figure out exactly why these tracking devices may be sabotaging weight loss. However, there are other studies that have been done that show wearing a Fitbit or Apple Watch is beneficial for weight loss.
One study shows that those who use a device to help them make decisions on how to live are not taking into consideration their genetics and other health concerns. People who have a family history of heart problems aren’t able to add that information into the device. Therefore, their genetic makeup may not be able to conform to the suggestions given by the devices.
It’s important to understand that these devices are great for helping you reach goals of walking a certain amount of steps, showing you how many calories were burned through movement for the day, and tracking your heart rate. However, they shouldn’t be the only thing considered during weight loss efforts or when it comes to exercise.
Whether you choose to use a fitness tracker or not, there are several ways to lose weight. The surest way to do so is through exercise and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Making sure you include healthy fats, complex carbs, enough water, and movement into your overall lifestyle is the best way to lose and maintain weight.
Affordable Personal Fitness Trainers in Raleigh
If you’re looking for the best personal fitness trainers in Raleigh, call CrossFit Invoke today. We also have the best Raleigh fitness classes in the area that will get you laser focused in on your health goals so you can maximize your gains. We even offer free classes so you can try us out before you commit to a membership.
We have the best Raleigh NC fitness club and we’re a member of the CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff. Invoke’s founders have operated CrossFit seminars all over the south for over five years. All of our coaches and trainers hold a Level 1 Seminar Certificate and many other additional specialty certifications in CrossFit as well as other diverse fitness backgrounds.
As you can see, we’re committed to you and your health. So call us today to get started with your free class.