Holiday Fitness Tips

best gym in raleigh ncThe holidays are only a few days away and many people will be hitting the roads, or flying, over the next few weeks to visit out of town family and friends. Some might even be taking a New Year’s Eve holiday trip. If you’re going to be one of the brave souls traveling this season, be sure to make a plan that keeps your fitness goals in check.

Just because the holidays are here doesn’t give you an excuse to put your healthy routines on the back-burner. That being said, you all know we’re big believers in cheat days, so if you plan correctly you should be able to indulge without losing too many of your gains. To be successful you have to prepare for the inevitable, and that means that you’re going to have less time to workout, there’s going to be extra stress, probably a fair amount of alcohol around,  not to mention overeating with all of the delicious seasonal treats.

That’s why we’re talking about tips for you to use over the next few weeks. Following these will help you stay in shape and keep those positive gains rolling into 2016! Did you know that the best gym in Raleigh NC to help you meet your health goals is CrossFit Invoke? You’ll love our free fitness classes. Call us today to learn more!

Holiday Fitness Tips!

Traveling and Training Is Possible – It all starts with being prepared. You know you’re not going to have as much time to train and workout. You’re also going to be miles away from your local box if you’re traveling. That doesn’t mean you just forget about exercising. No matter where you are, there are many exercises that are perfect for people on the go. Going for a run, push-ups, squats, sit-ups, pull-ups, and lots of other workouts can be done anywhere. CrossFitters have the ability to really use anything to get a workout in. Check out the local playgrounds and use some the equipment there to customize your own WOD, or you might even have a chance to drop-in a local box.

Drop-In the Local Box – CrossFit is one of the most popular types of fitness training in America. More than likely there’ll be a local box for you to drop-in to. Get on the internet and check out some reviews. Be sure to read over the drop-in policy and give them a call to set up a time to swing by. Talking to your coaches before you leave is also another option. They might even have a connection at your destination location.

Be Aware of What’s Going Into Your Mouth – Don’t give up on your healthy eating habits while you’re traveling. It’s going to be a little difficult but taking the extra steps to eat the healthy option will save you a lot of headaches next year when you’re back on track. It’s OK to have a cheat day here and there, just do not overdo it. Also, avoid extra calories by not drinking too much alcohol either. Not only will you not have to suffer through terrible hangovers, but you’ll also avoid having to deal with shedding the extra weight.

Hopefully these tips will help you with your holidays WODs and fitness goals! All it takes is some extra planning beforehand and dedication to your health goals!

Where’s the Best Gym in Raleigh NC? CrossFit Invoke!

If you’re looking for top fitness training in Raleigh, then call CrossFit Invoke today. We have top-rated personal trainers to help customize your workouts so you’re maximizing gains. Invoke will get you laser focused in on your health goals so you can smash them with confidence. We even offer free classes so you can try us out before you commit to a membership.

We’re the best gym in Raleigh NC and we’re committed to YOU and your health. So call us today to get started with your free class.

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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