Welcome back readers. If you’ve been following along this year, you might have noticed that we’ve been talking an awful lot about New Year’s resolutions. It’s been a huge topic at our fitness gym in Raleigh NC, CrossFit Invoke.
In our last two posts, we talked about the best CrossFit related resolutions you could make in 2017. These consisted of cutting your Fran time, getting stronger, quitting smoking, and more. Read part one of this series by clicking here, and the second part of our CrossFit resolution post can be found here.
In today’s post, we’re going to fill you in on the secrets to finding New Year’s resolution success. Check out our tips below.
Finding New Year’s Resolution Success
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
The biggest secret that we know of for keeping your resolutions is by using the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting method. This means your resolutions should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and not consume all of your Time.
Let’s break the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting method down even further.
Make sure your goals are specific. For instance, in our last post we mentioned cutting down your Fran time. That’s pretty specific. You will not get confused on what your main goal is while trying to complete this resolution.
Most people give up on their resolutions because they do not know how to measure success. So make sure your goals are measurable. We’re going to use the Fran example again. If you’re trying to reduce the time it takes you complete Fran, then you can measure the time it takes to do both movements.
Don’t shoot for the stars when you’re setting up your resolutions. Make sure that your goals are attainable, otherwise you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Is quitting smoking an attainable goal? Absolutely, it just takes a lot of will-power. Can you gain muscle in 2017? Yes, if you do more strength WODs.
You have to be honest with yourself when you’re setting up your resolutions also. The truth can hurt sometimes, but being realistic can also save you a lot of frustration. If you know you’re never going to break a 7 minute mile, then don’t make that one of your goals. Focus your goal on running further, instead of faster, to compensate.
Make sure your resolutions will not require all of your time to be successful. If hitting these goals takes up all of your time, you’re never going to have time for anything else in your life. You’ll get burnt-out real quick, and this will ultimately lead to your failure.
We hope our last few posts have inspired you to make 2017 the best year ever. If you need professional help with your fitness goals, keep reading to see how CrossFit Invoke can help you in 2017.
Where’s the Best Fitness Gym in Raleigh NC for 2017? CrossFit Invoke!
CrossFit Invoke is an affordable fitness gym in Raleigh NC that is dedicated to your heath goals and well being. Our world class coaches are ready to help you invoke your inner athlete in 2017! We even offer free fitness classes for beginners. Call us today, or just drop-in and ask about our New Year’s specials.