Do you like to run to stay fit? Do you run competitively in marathons or other races? If so, you should think about trying out CrossFit.
Why would CrossFit be good for runners? Let’s find out! If you’re searching for the best Raleigh NC gym for CrossFit and running, make the call to Invoke today! We even offer free fitness classes in Raleigh for beginners.
CrossFit for Runners Works Wonders
Runners can greatly benefit from trying CrossFit. In today’s post we’re going to list several of those reasons.
Why CrossFit Works
There are a few problems with just running as your top form of exercise. For one, your whole body is not getting exercise. Since running mostly involves just your legs, other muscle groups get left out. This can create an imbalance in the body. This imbalance can cause you to get injured. Furthermore, since running is a linear and repetitive exercise, even some of your leg muscles are getting left out. Sure, your legs are probably strong, but don’t you want them to be really strong so that they can take on other exercising movements with ease? If you said yes, then you should give CrossFit a try.
CrossFit is great for working out your entire body, from head to toe. CrossFit does not focus on just one single muscle group, we work all of them. In turn, this full body workout makes you a better runner. CrossFit is power lifting, endurance and cardio training, core-strength training, balance and gymnastic training, and more. This means that you’ll lose extra body fat, get stronger, go for longer, have better balance, and be able to hold better posture as you exercise. All of these makes you a better, faster runner.
No More Workout Plateaus
Another big problem with running as your only exercise is plateauing. A workout plateau is when your muscles get used to physical strain from doing one exercise. In order to maintain a high fitness level, the athlete must run harder, faster, and for longer distances to avoid the dreaded plateau. Since CrossFit employs many different movements, especially ones that runners are not used to, plateaus are avoided. CrossFit is all about pushing yourself to new limits. Therefore your fitness levels are constantly improving.
So if you’re ready to take your fitness to the next level, keep reading to see how CrossFit Invoke can help. Don’t miss the second part of this post where we’ll be talking about more CrossFit tips for runners.
The Best Raleigh NC Gym for Runners Is at CrossFit Invoke!
If you’re looking for the best Raleigh NC gym that can help you train to the max, call Invoke right now. We have top-rated personal trainers in Raleigh that can customize your workouts so you’re making the gains you want to see. Invoke will get you laser focused in on your training goals so you can smash them with confidence. We even offer free classes so you can try us out without having to commit to a membership.
When you’re looking for a Raleigh gym that’s committed to your family’s health, call Invoke. Click here to get started with our free classes.