What Are the Three Types of Grip?

fitness classes in raleigh NCIn the gym, grip strength is often overlooked yet it’s really important. If you’re into CrossFit, then grip training is a necessity. If you’re just into casual athletics, grip also comes into play. Even in everyday life, you need to be able to grip railings, or other safety supports, to avoid an accident or injury.

Over the next few installments, we’re going to focus on grip, the types, and how to train to make yours stronger. If you’re searching for the best fitness classes in Raleigh NC, call CrossFit Invoke today. We offer the best free classes for beginners!

What Are the Three Types of Grip?

Most people think that you only have one type of grip strength to focus on, however that is far from true. Depending on what type of exercises you are doing, you could need different types of grip strength. Below is a list of the three common types of grip.

Crush Grip – This is type of grip that is used for shaking hands, or crushing a soda can. Training focuses on working out the areas between your fingers and your palm.
Pinch Grip – Your grip that is used between the fingers and the thumb is called pinch grip. You train your pinch grip by working out each finger and thumb separately.
Support Grip – When you have to hold onto something for long periods of time you will use your support grip. This is commonly used when doing pull-ups, wall hang, or even carrying kettle bells for long periods of time. The support grip also comes in handy when you’re out shopping all day and you have to carry lots and lots of bags of fresh new CrossFit gear.

Be sure to join us for part two of this series where we look at the ways you can exercise your hands to gain more grip strength. If you’re in need of a new gym in Raleigh, keep reading to see how Invoke can help you.

Free 2016 Fitness Classes in Raleigh NC – CrossFit Invoke

At CrossFit Invoke, we offer free fitness classes in Raleigh NC for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness. Sign up today and get started to see a healthier and more fit you in 2016! We have top rated personal trainers and coaches that are the best in Raleigh. Let us help you achieve your New Year’s Resolutions. The benefits you’ll receive from our fitness programs are too numerous to list! Invoke is located just minutes from downtown Raleigh NC so we’re easy to find. Call CrossFit Invoke today and see why we’re the best gym in the Triangle.

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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