Training Your Grip for Better Strength

personal trainer in RaleighThanks for coming back for our second installment on grip and grip strength training. If you didn’t know, there’s more than one type of grip, and we discussed them in part one. Hit the jump to check it out.

As we said in the last piece, grip strength is important for CrossFit enthusiasts looking to make serious gains, or the ones trying to compete in the Annual CrossFit Games. Today’s post, and the next one, will be talking about how to make your grip stronger. If you’re searching for an affordable personal trainer in Raleigh NC to help with your grip, keep reading to see how CrossFit Invoke can help! We have the perfect staff to help you hit your personal health goals!

Grip Strength Training

There are many different exercises that you can do either at the gym, with a personal trainer in Raleigh NC, or at home. So leave the hand grips in the drawer and give these exercises a try instead.

Hanging Exercises – These are great exercises that you can do about anywhere. All you need is something to really hang from. It could be a tree, a rope, pull-up bar, the side of your house, a rock wall, boulders, your options are endless here.

You do not have to try to do full pull-ups, rather try to just hang for as long as you can. Use both hands, just one arm, hang by your fingers, etc. If you want a harder challenge, hang a towel or rope over the middle of a pull-up bar then grab the ends and try to do as many pull-ups as you can.

Plate Pinching – Find two weight plates that have smooth backs. Stack a few on top of each other with the smooth side facing out. Next, try to pick them up, hold them for as long as you can, then try to walk with them as far as you can.

Plate Curling – If you need to build more finger and wrist strength is by using weight plates to do curls. Start by holding one of the plates in the palm of your hand with the thumb placed over the top of the plate, your fingers should be extended out under the bottom. Do bicep curls with the plates like this in your hand to build up your grip strength.

Want more exercises that will help you develop grip strength? Check out part three.

Need a Top Rated Personal Trainer in Raleigh NC for 2016? Call Invoke Today!

Do you want to make a change for the better this year? Why not work with a top rated, affordable personal trainer in Raleigh? If you want to get in great shape and push yourself to new limits, make the call to CrossFit Invoke. We even offer free fitness classes to non-members and free community workouts once a month. Come out and see what we’re all about. After all, there’s no obligation to join. When you’re ready for a new challenge give us a call or just drop in!

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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