Ladder and/or cone drills
B. Accessory
3 sets
db hamstring curl x 10 reps
turkish get ups x 2 each arm
hamstring curl- lay face down on a bench with the db pinched between feet. Lower the db slowly under control.
C. In teams of 3, conga line style, complete:
5 rounds
15/10 calorie bike
12 box jumps or step-ups
9 shoulder to overhead
Partner A begins on the bike, as soon as bike is available, Partner B jumps on while Partner A moves on to box jumps. Team rotates through as quickly as possible, with only one team member biking, doing box jumps or shoulder to overhead at any given time.
Use dumbbells or a barbell for the shoulder to overhead portion. Choose a weight that is challenging for 9 unbroken reps. The bike portions should take no more than 45 seconds-scale accordingly.