Why do you skip out on exercising? What is your number one reason? If you have one to share we would love to hear about it in the comments below. We decided to do some local research on this topic and over the course of the next three blog posts, we’re going to discuss what we found. You’ll be surprised to find that a lot of people face the same obstacles when it comes to not getting their daily exercise.
Some responses might surprise you, while others will not … let’s get right into our favorite excuses for not working out!
So What’s Your Excuse?
Lack of Motivation or Drive – Surprisingly, this excuse seems to be number one among most people. It even beat out the “I don’t have time” excuse. This is really no surprise considering how many people in the U.S. are either obese or overweight. Since we offer so many fitness classes in Raleigh NC, we get to meet a lot of different people. We hear how getting started is the hardest part. Let’s face it, you have to want to change to see the change. Taking those first steps and making the behavior changes to get healthy can seem like an uphill battle. At first it will be hard, but time is on your side. As long as you do not give up and keep at it, you’ll see the gains you want.
If you find that you are lacking the motivation and drive to lose the weight, or get healthy again, try to get a loved one or close friend involved. Working out alone kind of sucks, so having a buddy along for the ride can make exercising a lot more fun and rewarding. Plus, you’ll have someone to share the experience with, and someone to hold you accountable and motivate you when you feel like stopping.
No Time – Coming in at a strong number 2 is having no time to workout and exercise. Regardless of if you have kids, pets, or just live alone, Americans seem to think they cannot take 30 minutes out of their busy schedules to exercise. I find it hard to believe that people are just that busy. If you want to get healthy and lose the weight, you have to make the time to do so and 30 minutes out of 24 hours is really not a lot to ask. That’s only 3 ten minute walks.
Exercise is an investment in your life. It will help you live a more fulfilling and longer life, but not if you do not make the time. The next time you decide to check Facebook on your work break, think twice and take a short walk instead.
Just Too Tired – Number three on the list is also another common excuse – too tired! You’ve had a long day at work and all you want to do is come home, have a beer and watch T.V. While you know you should be hitting the gym, you put it off until tomorrow, and then the next day, and then the day after that.
Funny thing is, the reason you are tired all the time is because you are not exercising. Working out recharges the body and gives you energy to do more. If you’re feeling really sluggish throughout the day, try going to bed and getting up earlier, then working out for a quick 30 minutes. Most people find this to be really beneficial for providing a lot of daily energy.
Be sure to catch part two of this series. Click the jump to read even more of the top excuses people give for not working out.
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