What’s Your Excuse? Part 2

Walking For A Healthy HeartThanks for joining us for part two in our series on excuses for not working out. If you’re new to the series you should take a few minutes to go back read over part one. We outlined the top three excuses and you might be surprised at what we found. Click here to check out the top excuses people make to not work out.

In part two, we’re going to cover even more things people say to avoid getting exercise!

Excuses, Excuses!

Exercise Isn’t Fun – In this case, you’re right! Not all types of exercise are right for each and every person. If you can’t stand the thought of trudging along on a treadmill everyday, think about why and what makes you not enjoy that activity. Sit down and think of activities that you would like to do that require some level of physical exertion. When you were kid, you probably loved to play outside doing all types of fun and physical activities. You were having fun but also exercising. You need to get back to those roots.

You can get exercise by playing with your dog out at the park, or throwing a frisbee around with your kids, or playing tennis, basketball, or flag football. You can even get a workout in with some hobbies, like metal detecting for instance.

General Lack of Knowledge – Another reason people avoid working out is because they think they just do not know enough about what to do to even take those first steps. Some will even say that they will never lose the weight because they do not have enough nutritional resources. This is kind of cop-out. We live in the information age and almost everyone out there has a smartphone these days. Saying you do not have enough knowledge means you do not have enough drive to perform a simple google search.

If you think you are lacking knowledge about getting started, all you have to do is search google for “healthy recipes”, or “beginner workouts to lose weight.” Just think about your working out questions and simply “google it!”

Simply Lazy – Hey, at least these people are honest about it. However, being lazy about your health is no laughing matter. I like being lazy too. There is nothing better than lounging around in PJ’s all day watching TV shows. This is OK to do every now and then and it should be used as a reward day for getting all of your exercises in.

Even if you really do not care now about your health now, your future self will. Your older self will be mad at your younger self for not being more active. Take our advice and find some fun and fulfilling exercises that you can do. Your body and mind will appreciate it more than you think!

Hit the jump for part 3 of excuses people make to avoid the gym!

Offering Free Free Fitness Classes in Raleigh NC! Call Invoke Today!

CrossFit Invoke is currently offering free fitness classes in Raleigh NC! Click here to sign up today and get started to see a healthier and more fit you! Our personal trainers and coaches are the best in the area for helping you lose that extra weight, and make the gains you’ve been sweating for! The benefits you’ll receive from our fitness classes are too numerous to list! Located just minutes from downtown Raleigh NC, and right off the I-440, you should have no excuse to not come to the best gym in the Triangle, CrossFit Invoke!

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John Doe

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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