What’s Your Excuse? Part 3

personal trainer in raleigh ncThanks for joining us for part 3 in our series on the excuses people make to avoid exercising and working out. If you’re new to this series, parts 1 and 2 focused on the top six excuses used the most. Click here to read the top excuses people make to not working out, and here to read part 2.

Let’s jump right into the final three top excuses on our list!

No More Excuses!

I’m Too Big and Other Body Issues – Do you have body image issues and are too embarrassed to workout in public? Do you worry that some people might see you in the gym and laugh behind your back?

There are some out there too afraid to join a gym or hire a personal trainer in Raleigh because they think they’re too overweight, or even too skinny and small to make any progress at all. This is just not true. Everyone has a starting point. At Invoke, we help people with bodies of all shapes and sizes. Most of our new members seek us out because they are overweight, and have other body issues, and they need a supportive group of like-minded people to help them hit their health goals.

If you are especially over or underweight and need help making healthy choices, call CrossFit Invoke and speak with a top rated personal trainer in Raleigh. We can put together a customized plan to get you on track to a healthier and more fit lifestyle.

Change in the Weather – In the summer it’s too hot and in the winter it’s too cold. Then you don’t want to be cooped up inside all the time as a compromise, so you just skip working out all together.

Granted there are a few health concerns to consider. There is the risk of heat stroke for summer activities, as well as hypothermia and frostbite for winter ones. However, this does not mean that you should just take whole season off. Take up swimming in the summer, hiking and walking in the fall, skiing, sledding and tubing in the winter, and the spring is perfect for just about anything! Plus, you if you think that the weather is a little too cold add a few extra layers and bundle up. The point is to stop making excuses.

If you find that you have to stay home, try to keep a few workout DVDs in your library. You’ll be surprised how hard some of these are to keep up with. If you need some recommendations, just give us a call at Invoke.

No Babysitter – If you’re a parent, we know that you do not have that much free time and can have very busy schedules. On top of that, finding childcare while you do something for you can be both expensive and difficult at times.

One of the many great reasons to become a member at Invoke is that we have an awesome CrossFit for Kids program where the whole family can be involved. Why worry about childcare and time issues when you can join us every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-6:15pm and Saturdays from 9:30am-10:15am?

Click here to learn more about our kid’s CrossFit programs.

Searching for a Personal Trainer in Raleigh? Call Invoke Today

CrossFit Invoke should be your number one choice when searching for a highly rated personal trainer in Raleigh. Our friendly and professionally trained staff are ready to push you to the max so you can get into the best shape of your life. At CrossFit Invoke, we even offer free community and beginner classes. This way you can see what we’re all about without any obligations to join our gym. When you’re ready for a new challenge, give us a call or click here to get started!

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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