Welcome back! We are here to talk more about the workouts that might be causing you hip pain. Most of the time, improper form and overdoing it are the main mistakes made during exercise. Here, you’ll find tips that can help you correct your mistakes so that you can be painfree! Looking for the best gym in Raleigh? Get started with CrossFit Invoke!
Believe it or not, it’s easy to overdo it with yoga. This type of exercise is relaxing and rejuvenating. However, deeply stretching when your body is not ready can be dangerous. Your joints need to be worked up to their full flexibility. In addition, as you age, there is a natural cartilage reduction that should be kept in mind. It’s important to be careful with yoga so that you don’t overdo it. Work with an instructor to help you improve poses and increase the time you stay in those poses rather than reaching for a deeper stretch.
Squats are a common exercise that can be done improperly. When you lean your torso in too far it can cause issues with your hips. Make sure you are squatting properly so that you won’t put too much stress on your hips or your back.
Missed our previous blog? Check back here for more info. Also, head over to our next blog post to read about the best exercises for bad hips.
Affordable CrossFit Gym in Raleigh
If you’re looking for the best fitness coach in Raleigh NC, call CrossFit Invoke today. We have the best fitness classes in the area that will get you laser focused in on your health goals so you can maximize your gains. We even offer free classes so you can try us out before you commit to a membership.
We have the best box in Raleigh NC. Invoke’s founders have operated CrossFit seminars all over the south for over five years. All of our coaches and trainers hold a Level 1 certification as well as other diverse fitness certificates.