More Father’s Day CrossFit Gifts

personal fitness trainers in raleighIf you have a dad that’s into CrossFit, we have some great gift ideas for you. Since Father’s Day is coming up really soon, we wanted to help you find the best options.

If you haven’t been following along, our last post covered a few of our favorite ideas. Hit this jump to go back and check it out.

In today’s post, we’re continuing with even more great ideas that will make any fit dad happy. If you are searching for affordable personal fitness trainers in Raleigh NC for your dad, call CrossFit Invoke today. Ask us about our free classes for beginning dads!

More Father’s Day CrossFit Gifts

More CrossFit Gear

All dads that are into fitness can always use more new gear. Get him a few CrossFit inspired t-shirts or tank-tops, new gym shorts, or a new pair of fitness shoes. If you want to be sure your dad hits the box in style, then new gear should be at the top of your list.

Session with Our Personal Fitness Trainers in Raleigh

Maybe your dad is into CrossFit, but he’s never experienced what it’s like to visit a real box. That’s why you should consider getting him a few sessions with our personal fitness trainers in Raleigh. At CrossFit Invoke, our personal trainers are all highly qualified, with lots of experience, and many certifications. If your dad is serious about his fitness, then the benefits of working with our personal trainers will definitely help.

Pull Up Bar

Pull ups, and the other variations of these exercises are staples in CrossFit. Make sure your dad is getting his reps in with a new pull up bar. There are a few different options available for this type of equipment on the market, so be sure to get the one that’s right for your dad. There are pull up bars that are bolted into the studs of the ceiling, and ones that can be removed that fit in doorways. This idea can run between $30 – and a few hundred dollars depending on which one you like best.

We’re sure that these gift ideas will make your fit Father’s Day a hit. For even more healthy advice, be sure to visit back with our blog for daily WODs and other helpful topics.

Our Personal Fitness Trainers in Raleigh Can Help Your Dad!

CrossFit Invoke is the number one choice when searching for the best personal fitness trainers in Raleigh NC to help your dad. When your father wants to push himself and get in the best shape of his life, make the call to Invoke. We even offer free fitness classes, and have free monthly events so your dad can come out and see what we’re all about. There are no obligations for membership. When your dad is ready for a new challenge, give us a call or just drop in!

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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