More Brutal WODs

Fitness Gym in Raleigh NCThanks for coming back for part two in our series of really difficult WODs. In the first part of this series, we talked about 2 brutal WODS. These were the Filthy 50 and the Seven. Go back and read this post to find out more details about these huge challenges.

Today, we’re going to cover a few CrossFit favorites: Fran and Murph. If you’re searching for an affordable fitness gym in Raleigh NC, make the call to CrossFit Invoke today!

More Brutal WODs



So who is this Murph person you keep hearing about? This workout was named as a memorial to Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. He was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. The legend says that this was one of Lt. Murphy’s favorite workouts, and he had nicknamed it “Body Armor.” Here’s why.

The Murph consists of first running one mile. Then you head right to doing 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and then running another mile. The Murph isn’t anything new, in terms of exercises, but the sheer number of reps makes this one pretty brutal. It’s a long workout so be sure to pace yourself so you have enough gas in the tank to run that last mile. If you can complete the Murph in between 40 – 45 minutes, then you’re in really good shape.


Fran might be one of the most feared, and most popular of all the WODs you’ll find in CrossFit boxes across the nation. Fran consists of completed 3 rounds of exercises as fast as you can. It’s a shorter WOD, especially compared to Murph, but still poses a big challenge.

Round 1:

  • 21 – Thrusters
  • 21 – Pull-ups

Round 2:

  • 15 – Thrusters
  • 15 – Pull-ups

Round 3:

  • 9 – Thrusters
  • 9 – Pull-ups

If you can complete Fran in between 3 – 5 to minutes, then you’re ready for the next level of challenges. Things like King Kong, the Seven, or the Filthy 50. Or, you can up the weight for your thrusters, or increase the reps for rounds two and three.

Are you trying to get fit for the summer? If so, CrossFit Invoke is your best choice! Keep reading to see why we’re the best gym in Raleigh NC for helping you increase your fitness levels.

Crossfit Invoke | Top Rated Fitness Gym in Raleigh NC

Crossfit Invoke is an affordable fitness gym in Raleigh NC that is dedicated to your health and well being. Our world class coaches are ready to help you invoke your inner athlete! We even offer free fitness classes for beginners. Call us today, or just drop-in and ask about our specials.

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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