A. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (2 sets)
15-20 single leg banded hamstring curls
15-20 fat bar glute bridges
15-20 weighted squat jumps
use a loaded barbell, sandbag positioned across your shoulders, or hold a med ball/d ball
glute bridge-
hamstring curls- pause at the end range of motion and return
slowly. Most of the benefit will come from the eccentric portion.
In 20 minutes:
2 min row for calories
2 min rest
2 min bike for calories
2 min rest
4 min AMRAP 40 du + 20 ab mat situps
2 min rest
2 min row for calories
2 min rest
2 min bike for calories
Scale – single unders
1/2 start on bike and half start on row