Workout Tips for a Healthy New Year

personal trainer in raleigh2016 has rolled around and we’re now a few weeks into the new year. Like millions of people, you’ve probably made a few resolutions and one of them might be something like getting more exercise, losing weight, or just being more healthy.

That being said, lots of people do not fulfill their annual resolutions for lots of various reasons. One of them could be because of an injury sustained during exercise or some other sporting activity. Sports and exercise related injuries can often occur when the person is not really prepared to take on a highly physical endeavor, and has been inactive for long periods of time.

Today’s post should help you avoid an exercise injury if you’re trying to get healthier this year. If you’re searching for an affordable personal trainer in Raleigh NC, keep reading to see how CrossFit Invoke can help! We have the perfect staff to help you hit your personal health goals!

Healthy New Year’s Workout Tips

Get a Check Up – If you’re starting the new year out with an exercise plan, and you’ve been on the couch for a while, do us a favor and get yourself a check up first. You might think this is silly, but you might have an underlying issue that you’re not aware of, especially if it’s heart related. You can also see a local chiropractor for a checkup. They can tell you how well your joints and spine are holding up and will be able to tell you what you can and cannot do. Getting a check up before diving in head-first might save you some major aches and pains down the road.

Switch Up Your Exercises – Another way to stay healthy during your 2016 fitness quest is by changing up your exercises instead of just focusing on one thing. For instance, if you’re trying to improve your cardio then avoid running the same track, route, or using the same treadmill setting everyday. Instead, switch it up by doing hills or stairs one day, or hitting a nature trail for some cross-country running, or even playing a high cardio sport like soccer. This will engage other muscle groups so you’re not just doing the same motions over and over again. These repetitive motions can cause strain injuries. RSIs are created when a specific set of muscles are overused and become strained.

One common RSI is tendinitis of the elbow, commonly known as golfer’s or tennis elbow. This is generally caused by swinging a club or racket over and over for long periods of time. Typically lots of rest, OTCs, and inactivity is the only way to ease the symptoms of tendinitis.

Warm Up, Cool Down – Another way to avoid an exercise injury is by warming up before your physical activity, and cooling down afterwards. Warming up only takes a few extra minutes, but these minutes are crucial for getting your body loosened up for exercise. Warming up your body by stretching and performing light exercises will greatly reduce your chance of injury. Furthermore, cooling down will also greatly reduce your muscle soreness the next day.

We hope these exercise tips help you follow through with your health goals and resolutions. If you want to take your fitness a step further, CrossFit Invoke can help! Check out how below.

Need a Top Rated Personal Trainer in Raleigh NC for 2016? Call Invoke Today!

Do you want to make a change for the better this year? Why not work with a top rated, affordable personal trainer in Raleigh? If you want to get in great shape, and push yourself to new limits, make the call to CrossFit Invoke. We even offer free fitness classes to non-members and free community workouts once a month. Come out and see what we’re all about. After all, there’s no obligation to join. When you’re ready for a new challenge give us a call or just drop in!

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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