Benefits of Squats for Women

fitness classes in raleigh NCSquats are just awesome. It’s an exercise that can seem to be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it you’ll find that these exercises bring a lot of benefits to your body.

You can do squats just about anywhere, which is one of the main reasons why they’re so beneficial. However squats also are fantastic for toning your legs and backside, as well as, helping your whole body get stronger. In this two part series, we’re going to discuss the top ten benefits that you can gain from doing squats on a regular basis.

Keep reading below for 1 – 5 and then in part two we will discuss benefits 6 – 10.

Benefits of Squats for Women

Circulation and Cellulite – Squatting greatly improves circulation which helps reduce cellulite. See, your muscles get a good stretch when doing squats. This gets the blood pumping throughout your entire body which means that more nutrients and oxygen are getting to all of your vital organs and muscles. This improved circulation helps to actually reduce cellulite as well.

Good for Digestion – Squats are great for the bowels and digestion, and help you remove waste from your body more easily. The actual muscular movements that you do when performing squatting exercises improves the fluid flow in your digestive track which also helps to keep you regular.

Whole-Body Workout – Some people call squats the king of all of exercises. Rightfully so, as squats help you build muscles throughout your entire body. Squats primarily work your legs, hamstrings, and buttocks, but also promote muscle growth in other areas as well. See, squats are so intense that your body releases more hormones that are vital to muscle growth so you get stronger all over, especially in your core muscles.

Low-Impact Exercising – Another huge benefit to doing squats is that they’re very low-impact for your joints, especially your back. Some exercises can really put a lot of extra pressure and stress on your knees, ankles, and back, but squats do not. So if you have problems in these areas then squats will be perfect for your health.

Exercise Anywhere – Rounding out the top five of this list is the fact that you can do these exercises anywhere. You don’t have to come to the box to squat, you can do them at home, at the office, outside at the park, anywhere you see fit. There is no extra exercise equipment needed, just you and your body weight.

Don’t miss part two where we go through benefits 6 – 10.

Offering Free Free Fitness Classes in Raleigh NC! Call Invoke Today!

CrossFit Invoke is currently offering free fitness classes in Raleigh NC! Click here to sign up today and get started to see a healthier and more fit you! Our personal trainers and coaches are the best in the area for helping you lose that extra weight, and make the gains you’ve been sweating for! The benefits you’ll receive from our fitness classes are too numerous to list! Located just minutes from downtown Raleigh NC, and right off the I-440, you should have no excuse to not come to the best gym in the Triangle, CrossFit Invoke!

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John Doe

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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