Eating healthy while on a tight budget might seem like a really hard goal to accomplish. Actually, it can be if you’re not equipped with the right know-how to get it done. Today we’re going to give you a few tips from a top personal trainer in Raleigh that will help you stay on track regardless of your budget limits.
Check out these tips below:
Cooking at Home
The best way to save money and to eat healthy is to cook as much food as you can at home. We live in a world where convenience is a must and sometimes cooking at home can take a backseat. Make a change to stop going out to eat so much because it’s expensive. When you can eat for a whole week for the same amount as eating out for lunch everyday, it makes a big difference in your monthly savings.
Weekend Shopping
Try to get your grocery shopping completed during the weekends. You’ll be more motivated to cook during the week when your refrigerator is already stocked full of fresh foods. You’ve already spent the money to get the food, now all you have to do is cook it up in a healthy way.
Coupon Clipping
Make sure you use coupons. You’ll be amazed at how much money you will be able to save, especially if you pair your coupons with weekly sales, and other discount methods like using a reward card. You can acquire coupons from your local newspapers, the internet, the manufacturer’s websites, and the grocery stores themselves.
Start Your Own Garden
Gardening is good for the soul, and good for the wallet as well. Gardening is also something that your entire family can contribute to, and benefit from. There is also something therapeutic about growing your own food, preparing it and eating it. When you start your own garden, you’ll be able to provide your family with lots of healthy vegetables, and fruits too – depending on where you live. You’ll know exactly where all your food came from and you’ll know what was used to grow it; no worries about harmful chemicals when you do it yourself. Also, you’ll be more motivated to cook your harvest after all the hard work that went into nurturing your plants for their bounty.
The Farmers Market is Awesome
Maybe you do not have a green thumb, or the time to tend to your own personal garden, but that doesn’t mean you have skip the best produce at the best prices. In my personal experience, the best tasting and highest quality produce is always found at our local farmers market, and not the grocery store. More expensive grocers, like Whole Foods, do offer high quality produce but you will have to pay for it. Furthermore, when you shop at the local farmers market, you are supporting those hardworking men and women directly. This money is going directly back into the community and not in the bank accounts of big corporate chains.
Be sure to check out part two in this series where we will give out a few more money saving tips. Click here to read part two.
Need a Quality Personal Trainer in Raleigh? Call Invoke!
CrossFit Invoke is the number one choice for getting a top rated personal trainer in Raleigh to help you with your diet and weight loss goals. When you want to push yourself and get in the best shape of your life, then make the call to CrossFit Invoke. We even offer free fitness classes so you can come out and see what we’re all about without any obligation to join our gym in Raleigh. When you’re ready for a new challenge, give us a call or just drop in!