Crossfit athletes are all about pushing themselves to reach peak physical fitness levels. Part of that is having great endurance levels. If you’re looking to boost it up, we’ve put together a list of great tips.
Over the course of the next two posts, we’re going to fill you in on all the secrets. One of the best ways to boost endurance levels is by working with a top personal trainer in Raleigh. Call Invoke today to get started.
Tips for Boosting Endurance
Beet It Up – Science has figured out that drinking beet juice might help you increase your endurance and stamina. That’s right, it might be just that simple because one research study showed that this nitrate-rich food could increase stamina by up to 16%. It actually reduces the oxygen intake needed to perform longer. However, beet juice is high in sugar so you can’t drink gallons of it everyday.
Gradually Build It Up – If you’re new at all of this, start out slow and gradually build yourself up to increasing your output. This is a great way to train smart so you’re safely avoiding sports injury, because that can put you on the sidelines for weeks. The gradual approach is perfect for lifting weights, running, or any other form of physical exercise. Just remember to drink tons of water to stay hydrated.
Rest Up – If you’re training hard, you should be resting hard as well. That means cooling down after each workout session, and getting enough sleep each night. This also means that you should be mixing up your exercise plans throughout the week. You should try to go as hard as you can on those heavy days, and go easy on the light days.
All of these tips will really help increase your stamina. The best part is, this is the just first installment. Don’t miss part two. We’re going to talk about even more easy endurance enhancing tips. CrossFit Invoke is on of the best gyms in the Triangle. Keep reading to see how we can help you take your fitness levels to new heights.
Searching for the Best Personal Trainer in Raleigh? Call Invoke Today!
Do you want to make a change for the better this year? Why not work with a top rated, affordable personal trainer in Raleigh? If you want to get in great shape, and push yourself to new limits, make the call to CrossFit Invoke. We even offer free fitness classes to non-members and free community workouts once a month. Come out and see what we’re all about. After all, there’s no obligation to join. When you’re ready for a new challenge give us a call or just drop in!