If you’re looking for foods to up energy and fight fatigue before you work out, be sure to avoid the following foods. If you don’t, they will be sure to hit and you might not be able to finish your workout. At the very least, you won’t be very productive during your time at the gym. For more information, contact our fitness coach in Raleigh NC or keep reading.
Honey is a healthy alternative to sugar. However, it’s not something that’s good for sustaining energy. Any type of sugar can cause a spike in blood sugar which means a sugar crash will follow. Instead of sweetening yogurt or tea with honey before a workout, think about leaving it out until after the workout.
Energy drinks sound like a good idea. They taste decent, work as a nice afternoon pick me up, and help you work through your fatigue. But the reality is, energy drinks have too much caffeine and sugar. It leaves you feeling fatigued and dehydrated after consumption. Opt for water, instead.
While a sugar rush might seem like what you need to help you get through your workout, stay away from candy. It’ll give you a quick punch of energy but almost immediately after the rush, you’ll begin to feel tired and have trouble concentrating. Leave the candy bar alone and choose something that’s more healthy and sustaining.
Junk food is easy to grab and will satisfy afternoon hunger quickly. However, processed foods are a great way to ruin your energy levels. Skip that bag of chips or crackers, even if it sounds like a delicious snack. Chances are, you’ll be in worse shape than before you ate them. Your workout might not even happen. A nap will sound better.
Steer clear of these foods and make sure you choose better options that fight fatigue instead of cause it. If you’re not sure what type of snack to grab on the way to your next workout, take a look at our next blog post. They are you will find a list of choices that will be great for boosting energy.
Holiday Fitness Coach in Raleigh NC | CrossFit Invoke
At CrossFit Invoke, you’ll work with a top-rated fitness coach in Raleigh that will help you to improve your health and wellness. Sign up today and get started to see a healthier and more fit you! The qualified Raleigh personal trainer that you’ll train with will get you laser focused.
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