More Obstacle Race Training Tips

fitness club in raleighWelcome back to the final installment on obstacle course race training. If you’re just now joining us, over the course of the last few posts we’ve been dialed in on this exciting new sport. If you’re not familiar with what an obstacle course race is, or what they consist of, then you should go back and read over part one:

Obstacle Races and CrossFit

In the second part, we gave you some ideas on the types of training you should incorporate if you want to compete in the next big obstacle course race in your area:

Obstacle Race Training Tips

In this final installment we’re going to give you even more great tips for running an OCR. Be sure to put on your play clothes, it’s about to get dirty! If you are searching for a the best fitness club in Raleigh NC for OCR training, why not come out to CrossFit Invoke? We even offer free classes for beginners! Call today to learn more!

More Tips for Obstacle Race Training

Obstacle course racing is all about mental and physical toughness. You should keep this in mind, because your training should reflect the same. The obstacles are meant to break you down, so training wisely will help you overcome a few of the harder elements. In the second part of this series, we told you about the importance of doing full body exercises as well as burpees. Today we’re covering two more important exercises you should consider.

Sandbag Carry – During an obstacle race, you’re going to be carrying something weird and awkward. It can be a log, bucket of rocks, or sandbags. A good exercise for you to consider is the sandbag carry. Not only will this help you to increase your grip strength, which you’ll need a lot of, but you’re also getting balance training by carrying an uneven load. If you don’t have access to sandbags, just fill a duffle bag with weights and carry them up hills or stairs in various ways. The sandbag carry will also help you increase your strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

Rope Climb – You can bet money that you’ll be climbing a rope during an OCR. The worst part is that this obstacle is usually at the end, when you’re the most spent. Get efficient at the rope climb. Learn how to use your legs to push yourself up the rope. This is one event that you only want to try once, so getting good at it will help ensure that you’re not having to do another 30 set of burpees.

We hope this short series has gotten you more interested in competing in the next obstacle course race that comes to your area. Be sure to visit back with our blog on a daily basis. We post the best WOD’s that will help you increase your fitness levels. If you’re ready to push yourself to the limits, keep reading to see why Invoke is the best gym in Raleigh.

CrossFit Invoke | Top Fitness Club in Raleigh for Obstacle Course Racing

If you’re looking for the best fitness club in Raleigh to train for your next obstacle course race, drop by CrossFit Invoke today. We have the best fitness trainers in the area to help you maximize your time and crush your goals. Invoke will get you laser focused in on your health goals so you can smash them with confidence. We even offer free classes so you can try us out before you commit to a membership.

We’re the most experienced CrossFit gym in Raleigh, including being a member of the CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff team. Invoke’s founders have operated CrossFit seminars all over the south for over five years. All of our coaches and trainers hold a Level 1 Seminar Certificate, and many other additional specialty certifications in CrossFit as well as other diverse fitness backgrounds.

As you can see, we’re committed to YOU and your health. So call us today to get started with your free class.

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John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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