Obstacle Race Training Tips

fitness training in raleighThanks for joining us for part two in our series on obstacle course racing. OCR’s are becoming more and more popular, and you might have even been thinking about competing in one. That’s why we’re going to fill you in on all the secrets and training tips to help you cross the finish line.

If you’re just now joining us, part one gave us a brief overview of what OCR’s are as well as what you can expect when competing in one. Click here to read more about obstacle course races and what they consist of. In today’s post, were listing some of the best training tips that you should use if you want to run one for yourself. If you’re in search of affordable fitness training in Raleigh to help with your training, CrossFit Invoke can help. Keep reading to see why we’re the best gym in Raleigh.

Obstacle Course Training Tips

When it comes to obstacle course racing, you must train for balance and agility, speed and endurance as well as strength and dexterity. Furthermore, there’s the pride factor, because we know you want to go strong and get that finisher’s medal. Because this type of event needs a form of alternative training, aside from the traditional approach, CrossFit has become a popular choice among these hardcore athletes.

Isometric and targeted exercises just do not work well for this type of event. Athletes competing in this type of sport find that more functional and total-body exercises are best, a big reason why CrossFit WODs can help so much.

Take the burpee as an example. As we pointed out in part one of this series, burpees are typically used as punishment exercises for OCR competitors that cannot complete an obstacle. This is why you should dedicate part of your training to amping up your burpee count. Burpees are also great overall body exercises. They actively engage your lower body, core muscles, and upper body in one movement. They will help you improve your speed, strength, agility, endurance, and mindset. Knowing you can breakout 30 burpess in a few minutes will definitely give you an edge when running an obstacle course race.

We hope these tips will help you train for your next OCR. Be sure to join us for part three of this series. We’re going to break down even more obstacle course training tips. If you want to push yourself even further with your fitness levels, check out how Invoke can help.

Searching for Obstacle Course Fitness Training in Raleigh NC? Call Invoke!

Are you looking for a great facility and coaches to help you with your obstacle course training? Call CrossFit Invoke. We offer personalized fitness training in Raleigh NC for people of all ages. If you’re serious about getting in the best shape of your life, we can help you. We even offer free fitness classes so you can try us out before you make a commitment. At Invoke, you can even sign up for group sessions with your friends. This way you can all hold each other accountable.

Please call our Raleigh gym with any questions, or just drop by the box. We’re located right outside of downtown.

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John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

John Doe
John Doe

nulla sociosqu pretium torquent enim quisque phasellus urna malesuada quam, curae posuere lectus gravida feugiat aptent vitae fringilla

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