Are you constantly working out but having trouble noticing results? Do you worry about the lack of strength you’re gaining? If so, there are quite a few reasons why this might be the case. Ask yourself the following questions to see what might be holding you back from gaining strength. If you want to get stronger and not waste time, call CrossFit Invoke. We have a highly trained fitness coach in Raleigh NC that can help you reach your goals.
Are you allowing your muscles to rest between workouts? If not, please consider doing so. This is the only way to make sure you are giving your muscles a chance to strengthen. Without periods of rest between workouts, you will never gain any strength.
Are you working out too hard? Unfortunately, there’s a new trend going on in the workout world that leaves Crossfitters completely drained and fatigued after their session. This is an improper way to work out. CrossFit is something that should be worked in progression. Never start out too intense. Start slow and work your way up. Don’t push yourself into a state of fatigue during everything workout.
What are your eating habits like? If you are eating too few calories in hopes of gaining muscle over fat, you’re doing your self harm and hindering your muscle gain. In order to strengthen your body, you should be eating more calories than needed. That way, you can maintain your current weight while gaining strength. If you normally eat 2000 calories a day try upping it to 4000 in order to maintain your weight and gain mass. This can be difficult but with the right mindset you’ll be able to eat well and add fiber, protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs into your diet so that you can strengthen your body while maintaining a proper well-rounded diet.
Be sure to check back soon to learn more about why you might not be getting stronger while consistently working out.
Affordable Summer Fitness Coach in Raleigh NC
Are you looking for a great facility and coaches to help you with your health goals this fall? Call CrossFit Invoke today. We offer personalized training with a highly trained fitness coach in Raleigh NC for people of all ages. If you’re serious about getting healthy this year, we can help. We even offer free fitness classes so you can try us out before you make a commitment. At Invoke, you can even sign up for group sessions with your friends. This way you can all hold each other accountable while training at our fitness center in Raleigh.
Please call our Raleigh gym location with any questions, or just drop by the box. Our fitness center in Raleigh NC is located just right outside of the downtown area.